Hello February 2022.
Here’s wishing us all a fabulous February.
This month, the BCT has planned numerous events for you. We have listed a few of them below.
As usual, you can find all the latest information by visiting the BCT’s Eventbrite Page (in addition to BCT’s Facebook and Instagram feeds).
Are you interested in the ones below? You can click on the image and be redirected to each Eventbrite Page.

Outside of the BCT, there are also various other exciting happenings this month.
For instance:
- February 1: Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year. Gong Xi Fa Cai – 恭喜发财
- February 4: World Cancer Day.
- February 5: World NutellaDay.
- February 12: International Darwin Day.
- February 14: Valentines Day. ❤
- February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day.
- February 21: International Mother Language Day.
- February 22: World Thinking Day (Girl Guides and Girl Scouts).
- February 27: International Polar Bear Day.
- February 28: Fasnacht or Fasching in Germany / Carnival Monday in several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Here’s to a good February for us all.

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