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From the Editor

From the Editor – April 2022


Dear Readers, Dear BCT members,

Wait, what, winter in April again? 

Our warmer than average spring has left us, set aside by the cold air mass coming from the ArcticI spoke too soon – back in early March.

So, fess up – besides me – who else wasn’t paying attention to the meteorological forecasts last week and found themselves scrambling to unearth their children’s waterproof gloves and snow gear from their wardrobes?

Do you remember that it was also cold and snowy last April? Indeed, it occurred not too long after we rejoiced about the warm sunny days. Next time, I will wait until May before proclaiming the end of winter.

From the Editor


This month’s theme is “Siblings”.

Hence, the blog will be sharing parenting articles on siblings and provide helpful recommendations relating to books and podcasts about optimising sibling relationships. All this is in addition to our ongoing series of “Ask the Nurse“, “Getting to Know“, and others.

Also, with the Easter holidays approaching, the blog will present suggestions regarding this occasion’s crafts, baking and more.

There is a variety of material lurking in the BCT archive that wants attention. And numerous gems that we recently received from our kind and generous supporters.

From the Editor

We love to hear from you.

We are very grateful to the blog’s many contributors – past and present (including our previous platform -the Parenting Magazine). Producing and submitting write-ups requires your time, energy and effort. And this space would not be able to continue to exist without all your help. So a big thank you.

If you are new to Basel or the BCT – and want to share your experiences and thoughts, we would love to hear from you. The BCT Blog appreciates hearing different voices and featuring diverse content.

Best wishes,

Azura Rubio

Lead Editor






1 thought on “From the Editor”

  1. Pingback: Tips for Handling Toddlers - April 22, 2022 - April

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