Goodbye, April 2022.
We hope you had a happy and productive month.
The BCT was busy in April –
The organisation offered various events online and in person in April. It packed them while also considering also the two weeks of school holidays that included a long weekend. Subsequently, the BCT members could choose to attend workshops, neighbourhood meet-ups and a Parent’s Night Out at the theatre before and after Easter. There was also the monthly Natures Detective Walk and the much-cherished comeback of the famous Easter Egg Hunt for children. It was good to see it reappearing after two years of absence and much to the delight of Easter Eggs fans.
In this blog, our focus was on Siblings and Easter.
Consequently, we published several write-ups that touched on the theme of “Siblings”. For instance, a recommendation for a critically acclaimed parenting book (“Siblings Without Rivalry“).
We also brought back an article from our newsletter archive about handling frustrated toddlers. The latter relates to a grandmother’s observations regarding educating toddlers and achieving peace between toddlers, parents, siblings, or close friends.
Last year, the wonderful BCT volunteers prepared a compilation of different Easter activities and entertainment amid the height of the pandemic and social distancing measures. With Easter coming around again, we felt compelled to point you towards this resource in this post. They are too good to be left alone and still relevant.
We also presented contributors’ ideas related to an easy Easter craft and Sunday meal.
We all knew that it was a mixed bag for April’s weather.
Remember when we had to bring out our snow trousers and shoes? And reschedule the Easter Egg Hunt to the next day?
Hopefully, there will be no more snow in the coming months. Surely the warm weather is here to stay? (Give and take some rain).
Anticipating more sun and thus water activities, our “Ask the Nurse” piece is about safety and first aid when around the pool. Preventive action is always best; cue the nurse’s vital advice at the end to always supervise your children when around water.
We hope you enjoyed April’s selections.
See you in May.