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From the BCT Co-Chair

From the BCT Co-Chair – June 2022


Dear Readers, 

The summer holidays are approaching.

With six weeks of holidays ahead, our household has started organising. We intend to spend time with grandparents and relatives. Besides this, I am also researching camps, ensuring the children have plenty of activities. Sound familiar?

Our family tends to run high on the “excitingly busy and active” scale. Even during downtime or quieter weeks, we typically have plans.

From the BCT Co-Chair


But the long weekends have reminded me how boredom can spark independence and creativity.

Furthermore, the pause emphasised the importance of restorative rest. Sometimes, that next task can indeed wait until tomorrow. And if that opens up some time to do nothing, all the better-  even in doing nothing, there is something.

Now I feel reassured our summer can include both play AND boredom; I can release some pressure from our summertime schedule.


However, I know we will surely encounter a few “I’m bored” moments.

From the BCT Co-Chair

Nonetheless, from reading this article, I appreciate the idea of reframing this question. And that it’s possible to meet tedium with excitement.

Having an activity chart or a list of activity options ready may help promote independence.

There are also specific strategies for various ages to approach boredom.

From the BCT Co-Chair

Also, this early educator’s approach to independent play is relevant and insightful.

Her techniques help caretakers to cease their “Cruise Director” roles. Instead, they encourage parents to support child development – to increase their independence, confidence, interests and creativity.

Incidentally, the writer also visits a town where I grew up, so I love seeing her beach snapshots when I feel homesick.

As we turn the corner towards long summer days,  I hope that moments of boredom will inspire new kinds of play for you and your children.

Let’s all have some fun this summer.








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