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BCT Summer Adventures

BCT Summer Adventures

BCT Summer Adventures (Recap)

Text by Abby Füllemann

BCT Summer Adventures

Summer 2022 saw the BCT Playgroups taking a break from their weekly activities.

As travel became more accessible, many families went away. Nonetheless, there were still families remaining in town. Hence, the BCT invited those remaining in Basel to attend the various ‘Summer Meet-ups’ organised by the leaders of the Monday, Wednesday and Friday BCT playgroups.

These events enabled our community to explore Basel’s many parks and playgrounds. And cool down in the local pools and splash pads. In case you didn’t know or needed reminding: it was a HOT summer in Basel.

BCT Summer Adventures


Exploring Basel Stadt and Basel Land.

There were, in total, eight different meet-ups in and around Basel.

The chosen venues included Schützenmatt Park, Gartenbad Egilsee, Kannenfeldpark and Splashpad, Lange Erlen Spielplatz and Tierpark, Gartenbad St-Jakob and Spielplatz Park im Grünen Grün 80.

We also planned an afternoon outing involving the Summer-Kunschti in Margarethen Park but switched the location and date when the intended day’s heat reached 37 degrees Celcius.

BCT Summer Adventures


The strong attendance at these events showed the great community that has developed amongst the playgroups.

Furthermore, the gathering welcomed at least five new families. The BCT volunteers were happy to welcome and show new families the fun places around Basel.

BCT Summer Adventures


Thank you to all those who helped organise and run the fantastic summer adventures.

Here are a few photos of our summer fun.

Back to Normal

It’s autumn now, and the BCT’s regular programme is back up and running with many familiar and new faces.

BCT Summer Adventures





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