From the Co-Chairs
Dear Friends of the BCT,
‘Tis the season for traditions!
In many cultures and countries, autumn into the winter is full of celebrations and customs. And learning about the many unique cultural traditions is something I (Amanda) appreciate most about the community of international families in Basel.
For instance, our neighbours celebrated Diwali not too long ago, and we tried trick-or-treating with some families from our kindergarten during Halloween. And then, of course, there is the local “Herbstmesse“.
What I appreciate most is seeing people come together while observing a tradition.
For example, when we stopped to say hello to our neighbours, they told us about the lights they were putting up for Diwali.
In turn, I shared with the other families in kindergarten my memories of creative costumes from my childhood.
Trick or treating introduces you to your neighbours.
Even seemingly small practices can bring so much value.
Recently, my American family visited us for the first time. As we settled into our time together, I realised that following a routine could foster memories.
To illustrate, “Taco night” was more or less weekly in our house growing up, and my mother’s Mexican rice is one of my favourite comfort foods. Consequently, we knew taco night would feature during my family’s stay here.
Indeed it was. My son, who is rarely open to new foods, tried a few bites. And I now have fond memories of my mom stirring the rice while my daughter looks over her shoulder from a chair and adds spices.
Traditions do not always require extra effort or elaborate planning.
Perhaps even looking for them in everyday rituals has a lasting impact.
“Taco night” has become something my daughter looks forward to, which has brought me more joy than she knows.
What are some of your family’s favourite traditions? Enjoy new and cherished traditions this season!
All the best,
Amanda and Morgan
BCT Co-Chairs